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Who is Saint Benedict?

10 Jul, 2015 5

St. Benedict was born to a noble family around 480 A.D. in Nursia, in central Italy.

He lived a sequestered life for many years, leaving family and friends behind to live in a cave near the town of Subiaco.

Disgusted after witnessing the immoral lifestyle while in school in Rome, St. Benedict chose to live a quiet life in prayer and devotion to God

As we all are, Saint Benedict was constantly tempted by the devil, although he was able to defeat the devil numerous times throughout his life, earning him the title of protector against evil spirits, temptation, and witchcraft.

One of St. Benedict’s miracles came after living in seclusion for many years, he was approached by some Monks to organize their monastery. Soon, however, they rejected his strict leadership and attempted to poison him with wine. Before drinking, Saint Benedict blessed the wine with the sign of the cross and the cup was shattered into pieces saving his life.

Saint Benedict Patronage:

St. Benedict also offers protection against being poisoned, infectious diseases, childbirth complications, and destruction during storms and tempests. He also obtains for sinners the grace of conversion.