With St. Cecilia as the patron saint of music, she is a perfect match for the front of this Choir prayer card. She sits playing the piano with the choir singing beside her. A prayer for choir members on the back panel.
Almighty God,
Who has ordained that the hearts of
your people shall be kindled by music,
and their minds thereby attuned to
understand Your divine mysteries:
Grant, we ask you, that all who lead
Your praises may know themselves to
be Your ministers, and that the hearts
of all who hear may be lifted up unto
You; through Your Son,
Jesus Christ our Lord
St. Cecilia, Patron Saint of Musicians
Pray for us.
5 | 06/02/2024Anonymous - Verified Customer |
I have nothing but good things to say the product was delivered on it was supposed to be.. I gave it as a gift to my choir members are choir director and our pastor and they were very appreciative.
5 | 03/03/2016B Bilotti - Verified Customer |
5 | 02/10/2016J Frederick-Pierce - Verified Customer |
The new cards were perfect this time. Thank you for the replacements.