On this prayer card is an image of Mary seated on a throne with angels surrounding her. On the back is a prayer to Mary, the Queen of Angels. A prayer to Mary asking her to defend us against evil.
August Queen of Heaven!
sovereign queen of Angels,
you who at the beginning received from God
the power and the mission
to crush the head of Satan,
we beseech you humbly,
send you holy legions so that,
on your orders and by your power,
they will track down demons,
fight them everywhere,
curb their audacity
and plunge them into the abyss.
Who can be compared to God?
Oh good and tender Mother,
you will always be our love and our hope.
Oh divine Mother,
send the Holy Angels
and Archangels to defend me,
and to keep the cruel enemy far from me.
Holy Angels and Archangels, defend us,
protect us.
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The prayer, dictated by the Blessed Mother herself, has special relevance and connection to the [earlier] apparition and message of La Salette [France, 1846] The August Mother of God told Fr. Louis–Édouard Cestac that “the time had come to pray to her as Queen of the Angels, and to ask her to send the holy legions to fight and defeat the powers of hell.”