This prayer card is to Mary's parents St. Anne and St. Joaquin. On the front of the card is an image of St. Anne and the Blessed Mother Mary. On the back is a prayer to both St. Anne and St. Jaoquin requesting a special favor.
Dear St. Anne and St. Joachim,
parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
and grandparents of Jesus, our Divine
Lord, listen with pity to the petition
which your loving and trustful client
humbly presents before you.
Surely dear Saints, you are both
very dear to the Heart of Him Whose
beloved Mother was your tender and
devoted child! Can He refuse any-
thing to you, in whose veins the same
blood flowed which afterwards fur-
ished the precious price of our Re-
demption? Great Saints, nothing can
be impossible to your power and in-
fluence over the little Jesus, "who
grew strong in grace and wisdom"
under the maternal care and direction
of your glorious Daughter, the Queen
of Heaven and Earth. In mercy and
compassion, be like Him "Who went
about doing good," and come to the
assistance of your servant in this great
St. Anne, St. Joachim, dear parents
of her who is our life, our sweetness
and our hope, pray to her for us and
obtain our request! Amen.