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About this Pewter St. Hubert of Liege Rosary Centerpiece Sterling Silver or Pewter
This oval shaped rosary centerpiece measures 3/4” H x 1/2” W and is available in either pewter or sterling silver.
St. Hubert of Liege is the patron saint of Hunters, Mathematicians, Opticians, and Metalworkers.
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Here are the answers to the questions we get every single day.
How to Pray The Rosary
If you are new to Catholicism, or wish to read a refresher, then take a look at our article "How to Pray the Rosary" where we go into depth on all the steps.
Read Two Pewter St. Hubert of Liege Rosary Centerpiece Sterling Silver or Pewter Reviews
5.00Rated 5.00 from 2 reviews
02/07/2024Anonymous - Verified Customer
Looks great! Worked very well for the rosary I made